The European Future Energy Forum is an initiative developed with Masdar—Abu Dhabi's multi-faceted, multi-billion dollar investment in the development and commercialisation of innovative technologies in renewable, alternative and sustainable energies. The Forum was launched in 2009 following the success of the World Future Energy Summit, which is held annually in Abu Dhabi. Now established as an annual event in its own right, the 3rd European Future Energy Forum will be held in Geneva, 4–6 October 2011—following previous events in Bilbao and London.
The mounting concern over climate change shows the importance of the introduction of new energy sources, and the development and management of existing ones. The challenge of the coming years will be to identify the key game-changing technolgoies, and, even more, to understand how to implement them practically.
The theme for the Forum in 2011 will be Making Innovation Happen for a Sustainable World and will take an indepth look at six main streams of debate: inspiration—building the vision, innovation—changing the future, policy and regulation—creating the framework, finance—assuring return on investment, infrastructure—feeding the need, and future energy mix—a recipe for success.[1]
Alongside the conference will be an international CleanTech exhibition where companies will present "cutting edge technology and ideas". The exhibition programme will also see knowledge-transfer sessions on efficient energy use.[2]
Geneva has a longstanding tradition and a strong reputation as a centre for the promotion of future-oriented technologies. I am confident that Geneva as a host city will make every effort to render the European Future Energy Forum 2011 a great success Micheline Calmy-Rey, Swiss President [3]
Related links: Renewable energy in the European Union World Future Energy Summit